Cover of "Ourselves and Our Children"Author: Boston Women’s Health Book Collective

Publisher: Random House

Publication Date: 1978

Status: Out of print. Some used and new copies can be found online.

Excerpts: Not available.

From the back cover:

“Ourselves and Our Children” is a book about the lives and the needs of parents. Consider yourself, the authors urge.

How does being a parent interweave with the rest of your life — with your own childhood, your work, your relationships, yours social and political concerns, your sense of yourself? How does society shape your experience for better or worse? Where does your support come from?

Enriched by the voices of mothers and fathers, “Ourselves and Our Children” carefully and compassionately explores these issues:

  • Deciding about parenthood
  • Stages of parenthood: being a parent during the beginning, middle, teenage and grown-up years
  • Shared parenthood between mothers and fathers and for single parents
  • Families: ways that families work and different forms they take
  • Society’s impact on parents, and what parents are doing to work for change
  • cover of Nos Enfants Nous MemesHelping ourselves and finding help

Translations and Adaptations

In 1980, the French publisher Albin Michel published Nos Enfants Nous Memes, a French adaptation of “Ourselves and Our Children.”