Fighting Fatigue and Offering Hope: Sandy Robinson

By OBOS — April 29, 2009

From 2009 – 2011, Our Bodies Ourselves honored the work of women’s health advocates worldwide by asking readers to nominate their favorite women’s health hero. View all nominees by year: 2009, 2010, 2011

Entrant: Self

Nominee: Sandy Robinson, Fighting Fatigue CFS/FM Website Owner

new-sandyI have been ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Fibromyalgia (FMS), and Interstitial Cystitis for almost 20 years.  As a chronically ill patient, wife and mother, I have had to learn how to balance life while being sick all of the time.  It has also been difficult emotionally trying to deal with these illnesses.

In order to keep myself sane, and to show support and to help others, I decided to start the Fighting Fatigue website over three years ago.  During that time, I have had over 300,000 visitors and I am currently receiving over 25,000 visits a month.  I respond to emails and offer advice and tips to others who suffer like I do, and I also try to share my personal life and journey with chronic illness.

I bear my soul at times in hopes of helping someone else realize that they are not alone.

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